Make it happen...

Saltie Store

This store has been established for two reasons...

We wanted to provide a more direct way for you to support the conservation efforts in Fiordland by simply purchasing a trap or trapline directly through us.. we think of it as a way of 'tipping' this piece of paradise which has given a lot to us as well as anyone who ever spent time around the mountains and waterways of Fiordland. It simply needs a little looking after to be restored and turned into a biobank for the rest of New Zealand as part of the Tamatea project .

Have a look at our CONSERVATION PAGE to find out more. No matter how big we dream we still need to take one step at a time on the way.. So thank you for being part of it no matter how big, small or plentiful your steps might be...  

Happy shopping and thank you for the inspiration!


You've asked for a long time to be able to wear our uniform and put the Pure Salt label onto things which still feels a little strange for us.. So as soon as we have a shop we've decided to see what we can do.. So we now have a number of branded items for sale below but let us know what else you'd like...
