Make it happen...


Tamatea BLUE

Tamatea Project

Tamatea ART

Tamatea LearNZ

Vision & Restoration on land


Bringing the vision into classrooms


Art supporting conservation

Looking after what's beneath the reflections

The vision

How to give

Project overview

Thank you

We share that vision and do what we can to play our part in looking after the place we call home, the soil we walk on and the waters we play in. If everyone was to look after what surrounds them no place would have anything to worry about.

The conservation task doesn’t just fall on the Department Of Conservation and is avidly supported by the community and businesses operating here. A community we're proud to be a part of.

Overall the Tamatea/Dusky Sound restoration plan has been developed by DOC with the ambitious goals of eradicating pests, re-introducing missing species and filling biodiversity information gaps in the area. The project area includes Breaksea Sound, Acheron Passage, Wet Jacket Arm, and Dusky Sound itself, including over 700 islands.

It's a mammoth task but one step at a time anything is possible...

Our vision is for Dusky Sound to be one of the most intact ecosystems on Earth, and New Zealand's largest ‘bio bank’ – a source of endangered native species that can be sent to pest free locations throughout the country.


The vision

Tamatea Dusky Sound Restoration

We run Pure Salt as a social enterprise which allows us to look after what we care for and we continue to be humbled by just how many people come together in so many different ways to do what they can to help...


Join us and become a piece of the puzzle...

Project overview

We started by simply wanting to give back to the place we call home.. the place that has given us so much over the years.

So we asked the Department of Conservation what would be meaningful and in line with strategy. No budget, no timeline, no expectations. Simply wanting to add to the great work already happening in this special place.

Mamaku/Indian Island at just under 200ha for a rat grid, then onto 2000ha Long Island for a buffer, to then do an infill stoat line on Long Island to protect Mauikatau/Resolution island further, to notice swimmers from the mainland which made us think we better put a few trap lines around Pickersgill Harbour and the smaller islands, to then notice that we could help with extra checks around coastal traps on 23000ha Mauikatau/Resolution island, to then be asked to submit to J4N funding to run a dedicated team on that very island increasing trap checks of the over 4000 traps through monthly fieldtrips and work on innovating towards tool development around detection, attraction and dispatch of predators resulting in assisting with AI training, camera protocols, ALD use, non toxic bait trails and more.. dreaming up ever new ways we can help and ever new ways you can help...

Extending to also look at what is beneath the surface of the oceans reflections through our TamateaBLUE project as well as bringing the overall vision into classrooms through TamateaLEARNZ and getting artists involved through TamateaART. Let's say we're not stopping any time soon. So thank you for caring!

Below is a quick overview and you're welcome to dive in as far as you like.. smile..




Vision & Restoration on land - Installation and funding of trapping and camera networks, monitoring & relocations. Laying down our piece of the puzzle on the way to making over 700 islands predator free.

Mamaku/Indian, Pickersgill Harbour, Long Island & beyond

Find out more



Ecosystem restoration doesn't stop at the water line. We believe in looking after what is beneath the reflections.

Underwater cleanups, biosecurity & sustainable fishery

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Inspiring the next generation to care as much as we do. Working with LEARNZ, Ministry of Education and Department of Conservation to bring the Tamatea Dusky Sound Restoration Project into New Zealand classrooms to inspire kids to look after what they call home.

A permanent resource for any teacher to incorporate.

Get involved



Nurturing a strong connection between art and conservation in Tamatea/Dusky Sound thanks to artists joining us to connect with the place in order to create pieces of art helping us to do give back to this special place.

The resulting artwork can be purchased with proceeds going towards conservation work right where the work was conceived..

Learn more



It's a big project.. Mauikatau/Resolution Island  at over 21,000ha is the 7th largest island in Aotearoa New Zealand. Increasing trap check frequency while also working on new technologies around detection, attraction and dispatch to help diversify the toolbox.

Imagine over 4000 traps, 84 cameras and 84 ALDs and a fieldtrip each month.

Dig deep

How to give


Book onto one of our Conservation Adventures -  your fare will go towards the project and you'll have the chance to be part of monitoring, maintenance, installation or relocations as part of the adventure.

Book on


Purchase a single trap or one of the traplines directly through our store to push the project further. We'll let you know where and when it is set and how it is doing on the way to relocations.



Make a donation via the New Zealand Nature Fund, to pay for traps and equipment. The foundation as well as ourselves will keep you in the picture about where the funds are going.



Become a part of our TamateaART project and help generate awareness as well as funds for the project. Help us connect people to place.




As part of every trip we put one trap on the ground thanks to every one of our clients. Besides that let us know if you'd like to do more and we can talk about what we could do as part of YOUR charter...



Give your time and passion as a PURE, MAD or HARD CORE VOLUNTEER as part of Tamatea or TamateaBLUE adventures onboard Flightless or seven day solo missions on Mauikatau/Resolution Island...

Learn more

giving what they can.. no matter how small or big.. personally or as part of your business.. we couldn't do it without you

Thank you to wonderful humans

giving what YOU can.. no matter how small or big.. personally or as part of your business.. we couldn't do it without you

Thanks to Sean, Maria & Toni, and the crew of Flightless Anna, Brad, Courteney, Ines, Chris & Chris, Ingrid, Pete and Bill, Lindsay Wilson, Rusty the ledged himself, Sam the Trapman, Ron Bull Jn for being who you are, FEZ.. thank you for being part of this and capturing our journey! You're a star. Chris Van Ryn for sharing our story with Life&Leisure Magazine, Craig, Grant, Max and Roger Hornblow for being our first paying Tamatea clients and helping us prove that the concept can work.. Juliane, Allun, Richie and Sam, Sue and Dave, Auntie Sandy, Rebecca.. our chainsaw heros Geoff, Chris, Hamish, Peter, Sam, Mike and Don,... Jacky Renouf for donating the first of 12 motion cameras, James Wellwood, Jane Jeffries, Quentin Reeves and Nick Terpstra for donating a further 4 cameras and of course DOC staff for their enthusiasm and support of the project. Thank you to Tim Wilson, Josh Emett and Fleur Sullivan for giving your passion for the project, Peta Carey for wonderful story telling, Sara Tuck for sharing her experience in DISH magizine and Hayden Parsons for capturing the magic.. we can't wait to see what else we can do! A massive thank you to a group of legendary kiwi boys who were so taken by the place and the project that they donated $30,000 towards the remaining traps on Indian Island as well as a further 7 motion cameras which means we could turn our attention to neighboring LONG ISLAND sooner than planned! Another big thank you to the SHICK group for spending part of their full charter clearing tracks on Long Island and helping push the project further. And of course, thank you Otago Polytechnic for donating and adopting 30 traps for Long Island! Big ups to Lane Plastics for donating more than 6km of track markers. Thanks to Sam Latham, Tony Preston, Darren Peters and Pete McMurtrie from DOC for supporting us all the way, Michael and Robbie from GoodNature and Gerard from Edge Effect for project support, work on the island and being on the end of the phone for just those 'quick questions'.. you're awesome.. Artists Tim Wilson, Jo Ogier, Gerda Lenard, Greer Clayton, Linda James and Tim Li for sharing your beautiful view of Tamatea.. for giving your art and yourselves to help us push further! Supporting Companies.. Te Anau Helicopter Services for supporting one helicopter changeover each year, Meister Solutions&Engineering, High Country Contracting and Sheetmetal Craft for sponsoring and building 50 DOC200s to go onto the western stoatline for Long Island, thank you ManaCommunications for your pro bono work helping us share the vision through NZ media, Nooks&Crannies for sharing our story, thank you to LEARNZ, Shelley and Pikihuia for spreading the vision to NZ classrooms and the Ministry of Education for partfunding the adventure, Aahliya and Yeshaya for joining us onboard and the rest of the kids for inspiring us as well as prompting GoodNature to sponsor a trap for each of your entries completing a full LEARNZ line on Long Island,  Thanks to Pure Salt clients for not just funding part of the project by buying a trap, donating funds or coming on a Conservation Adventure but also helping with the work on the ground and of course good times along the way.

Thank you all for being part of something special..

Other people caring...

The Department of Conservation runs programmes to protect and restore our species, places and heritage, and provides opportunities for people to engage with these treasures.

Conservation efforts also extend to the water ways surrounding the Fiordland National Park, commercial access to which is managed by Environment Southland.

The New Zealand Nature Funds primary role facilitates opportunities for individuals and businesses to contribute towards conserving New Zealand's natural heritage — its landscapes and the native plants and animals that live among them.

The Fiordland Marine Guardians have the vision that the quality of Fiordland's marine environment and fisheries, including the wider fishery experience, be maintained or improved for future generations to use and enjoy.

LegaSea is a not for profit organisation and was established by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council in 2012 to elevate public awareness of the issues that affect recreational fishers. The support funds advocacy, alignment, education and research.

Fish Mainland's purpose is to coordinate, represent and promote recreational fishers' interests in restoring and sustaining fisheries resources to maximise their fishing experiences and opportunities. Its vision is a healthy and abundant marine environment in which recreational fishers have an equitable share of available fisheries resources and are respected partners in management decisions.